Wednesday 30 June 2010

Be happy!

When you're excited about life, it shows... AND it rubs off on others. People gravitate toward happy people because they want the contentment that they have.

So wipe that scowl off your face, curb the cynicism, and radiate the most positive energy you can muster. (If you're finding this difficult to do, start the day by making a gratitude list of 5 things you're thankful for - it can be your health, your charmingly crooked smile, or even your dog's unconditional love.

This will definitely change your outlook.

Men are much more likely to approach a woman who is smiling, laughing, and happily engaged with her surroundings (rather than the frowning, hunched over lady muttering complaints under her breath... who'd want to spend time with HER?). Like the

"Got Milk?" ad campaign, try being a walking billboard for "Got Joy?"

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Things that kill a loving relationship

Not Listening

Communication is the crux of all relationships, and if the communication is not strong then your relationship will not be. Not only is talking about your feelings important, but listening is also vital.

Excess Baggage

Everyone has baggage; however, the key is dealing with that baggage and not allowing it to influence your relationship.

Everyone goes through obstacles throughout their day that cause stress. However, by no means should you tell your mate every time you are upset. 

Commitment Problems

With time, a certain comfort level is reached in a relationship. When this happens, a relationship becomes serious, or in other words, committed. For some, the word "committed" entails labels and obligations.

In order to be in a committed relationship, you must be mature and realise that it will take hard work and dedication to maintain. 

Family Matters 

The family – you have to love them even though most times it would be easier to throw pixie dust on them and wish they would vanish off to Never land. However, the reality is that you must make sure you are on your best behavior in front of them if you want a serious long-lasting relationship with your mate. 

Being a Workaholic 

In this day and age, the height of success is a long and rough road to travel. In your voyage to riches, you may unintentionally neglect your special someone. 

Your mate can only be so supportive. Remember a long-lasting relationship is as fulfilling as a successful career. As a career entails obstacles and levels to reach the top, so do relationships. 


If your mate still ends up breaking up with you even after all of this, do not waste your time being upset; rather, be relieved with the reassurance that you can do much better.

Monday 14 June 2010

Top 10 Romantic Chick Flicks

So here Retrack will recommend to you the top 10 romantic movies!

1. 'An Affair to Remember'

An Affair to Remember
Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr star in this timeless romantic classic. Playboy Nicky Ferrante meets night club singer Terry McKay aboard a ship bound for New York. They're both engaged to others, but vow to meet again in six months at the top of the Empire State Building.

2. 'Steel Magnolias'

Steel Magnolias
Steel Magnolias features a fine ensemble cast, intelligent writing, and an entertaining, though highly emotional, storyline. Shirley MacLaine, Dolly Parton, Julia Roberts and Sally Field headline the talented cast in this female buddy movie with a heart.

3. 'The Way We Were' (25th Anniversary Edition)

The Way We Were
This is a classic romantic film with Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford as star-crossed lovers. The 25th Anniversary Edition DVD includes commentary from the director, and a one hour "Making Of" featurette with interviews from Barbra Streisand and Sydney Pollock.

4. 'Stepmom'

Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon and Ed Harris star in this compelling tale of love, divorce, and family obligations. Stepmom is a fairly realistic, emotional look at the ramifications of divorce when children are involved.

5. 'Hope Floats'

Hope FloatsAfter finding out about her husband's infidelity during an appearance on a nationally televised TV talk show, Birdee (Sandra Bullock) packs up her daughter and heads back to her hometown - and her mother's semi-open arms. Harry Connick Jr. plays Justin, a former schoolmate of Birdee's who opens her heart to the prospect of a new love.

6. 'Singles'

There's probably at least one storyline or character every woman can identify with in director Cameron Crowe's Singles. The DVD features a few deleted scenes, production notes, and the theatrical trailer.

7. 'Music From Another Room'

Music From Another RoomMusic From Another Room begins with a 5-year old boy delivering his neighbor's baby. He grows up believing the baby he delivered is the woman he is destined to marry. 25 years later, he returns to his old neighborhood and pursues the girl he helped bring into this world.

8. 'Terms of Endearment'

Terms of Endearment
This film was so well-received it inspired a sequel - which, unfortunately, didn't go over quite as well as expected (the sequel isn't included in this Top 10 List). Nevertheless, you can't hold the sequel against the original. Terms of Endearment is an amazing film that features outstanding performances by Shirley MacLaine and Debra 

9. 'About Last Night'

About Last Night
This 1986 tearjerker stars Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Jim Belushi, and Elizabeth Perkins. Moore and Lowe play a couple who have a rough time dealing with commitment. Belushi and Perkins co-star as their meddling friends.

10. 'Where the Heart Is'

Where the Heart Is
Also known as the "Wal-Mart Baby Movie," Natalie Portman and Ashley Judd star as single mothers who seem to always fall for the wrong men. Portman and Judd are fantastic, as are the supporting cast, which includes Stockard Channing and James Frain.

So enjoy! 

Monday 7 June 2010

Love is the drug, scientists say

Being in love is physically similar to the buzz of taking drugs and also has withdrawal symptoms, an expert on addiction has said. 
Dr John Marsden says dopamine - the drug released by the brain when it is aroused - has similar effects on the body and mind as cocaine or speed. 

"Attraction and lust really is like a drug. It leaves you wanting more," the National Addiction Centre head said.
His findings will appear in a BBC programme to be broadcast next month. 

Pounding heart
"Being attracted to someone sparks the same incredible feelings no matter who you are. Love really does know no boundaries," he said. 

According to Dr Marsden - a chartered psychologist - the brain which processes emotions becomes "fired up" when talking to someone it finds attractive. 

The heart pounds three times faster than normal and causes blood to be diverted to the cheeks and sexual organs, which causes the feeling of butterflies in the stomach, he says. 

However, as with cocaine and speed, the "hit" is only temporary, though it can last between three and seven years, he added. 

Perfect partner
Dr Marsden's research for the BBC's Body Hits series suggests people look for similar features to themselves in a partner as they are searching for characteristics in their mother and father, who have already successfully raised a child. 

"It might look like we are all after the perfect partner to wine and dine but underneath, our animal instincts are seeking out an ideal mate to share our genes with." 

"We tend to go for the smell of somebody who has a very different immune system and that stops you fancying your family.
"Our biology drives us to find a perfect compromise between sameness and difference and we strike that balance all the time when it comes to choosing faces and smells," he said. 

Sex trap
The research also suggests sex is booby-trapped to make partners bond. 

"Your body has evolved over millions of years with one aim - to go forth and multiply, so while having kids may not be on the agenda just yet your body has a few tricks up its sleeve to drag you in that direction," he said. 

According to the research the more two people have sex together, the more likely they are to bond. 

"We all know you can have sex without falling in love but if you have enough sex with the same person there's a good chance you will hit the body's booby-trap which is there to tip you head over heels into love," said Dr Marsden. 

"So your body goes all out to make you bond with your partner and that makes love highly addictive and the withdrawal sucks."