Friday 22 October 2010

How to Flirt - part three

The last part in our how to flirt section provides you with conversation tips:
  • Laughter
  • Whispering
  • Personal questions, especially about relationship status
  • Singling someone out in a group for conversation and questions

However you flirt, keep in mind that flirting should indicate your interest in getting to know someone - in a polite, respectful and tactful way.

Using cheesy pickup lines, being too aggressive, touching inappropriately or being in any way vulgar or rude will get you not only turned down but also probably slapped.

Flirting is designed to make the person you're flirting with feel attractive and special, not intimidated.

Monday 18 October 2010

How to flirt - part two

Along with key signs of body language here are some other behaviors to look out for;
Other Behavior
  • Any form of touching
  • Playing with hands
  • Fidgeting nervously
  • Shy avoidance of eye contact
  • Standing on one leg or shifting weight back and forth

Sunday 10 October 2010

How to Flirt - Body Language

A key sign to flirting is body language,  here at Retrack Introductions dating introductions agency we give you the signs below:
Body Language
  • Prolonged eye contact
  • Dilated pupils
  • Arched eyebrows
  • Winking
  • Rapid eye movement and blinking
  • Stroking or toying with hair
  • Smiling
  • Licking of lips
  • Touching the lips or teeth with tongue
  • Thrusting chest or breasts outward
  • Mirroring or copying posture
  • Crossing legs
  • Leaning inward
  • Open-legged posture