Sunday, 24 January 2010

Finding 'the one'...

There’s a love pandemic happening in our world today and it is that we are spending time with each other without fully understanding why we are getting together.

Too many people are wasting time and energy in relationships without knowing why they are there.

A relationship is not an antidote to loneliness, nor is it something to be experienced with anything less than full commitment. In order for a romantic bond to build and deepen with anyone I have to be able to answer the following questions:

1. What am I offering in a relationship? What do I offer that I think is good, (care, support), and what do I bring into a relationship which often causes problems (jealousy, insecurity)?

2. Am I ready to be in a relationship? In other words, am I willing to give the relationship my full commitment?

3. Do I like, trust and respect this person and do they like, trust and respect me?

The responsibility for creating a deep, loving bond lies with you, and with your partner.

You both must be up for the challenges and rewards of intimacy, and what will make you both soulmates is your willingness to give yourself fully to the other.

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