Friday, 17 September 2010

How to know if a man likes you?

Men are usually very hard to read - even after years of marriage! Though in general men are very easy to understand. You can always tells if a man likes you due to his body language.

If he stands close to you in a social setting, almost as if your best friend would (with perhaps a slight accidental touch) he likes you! If he leans in when in conversation then he definately likes you!

The one time this is false is if the man is gay - in which he would be acting as the 'best friend.'

If a man comments on your hair or appearance he really likes you as usually men do not bother - to which he is looking for an excuse to say something nice to you.

When you are talking, if a man looks more at your chest than at your face he does not like you, but he likes your body, stay away from this guy!!!!

Other occasions: 

* He will go to a chick flick with you
* He will give up time with his friends to spend time with you
* If he asks for your number
* If he is nice to your friends

So use our Retrack Introduction's advice to help you spot the classic signs!

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