Friday 30 April 2010

How to's... part four - How to be concious of body language

Retrack Introductions  read a surprising statistic the other day: only 7% of communication is verbal (that means 93% is nonverbal body language).

In other words, your actions (very literally) speak louder than your words.

If a man spots you across the room but you have your arms folded across your chest, that sends the subconscious signal "Stay away. I'm closed off."

Conversely, if your posture is good and your shoulders are back, opening up your frame, it sends the message that your heart is open to possibilities (even if he's not consciously aware of it).

When you're engaged in conversation, leaning in toward him conveys interest (that's when being in a loud, crowded bar can work to your advantage! It gives you a legitimate reason to lean in and speak in one another's ear, which creates a connection).

If you're seated, crossing your legs and pointing them toward him also sends the unspoken message that you're interested. Very literally, it is the act of aligning your body with his that signals, "we're in line with one another."

So don't forget to look out for the signs!

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